Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

17th annual Greater Los Angeles MFA Exhibition

Monday, October 25th, 2021

The Fine Arts Roundtable (FAR) hosted by California State University, Long Beach invites currently enrolled MFA students in California to apply to our open call for the 17th annual Greater Los Angeles MFA (GLAMFA) exhibition. Our mission is to foster new relationships, build community among the MFA programs in the greater Los Angeles area, and to celebrate our potential to investigate, create, uplift, and heal with the power of the arts.


The James Alan Cox Foundation for Student Photojournalists

Monday, October 25th, 2021

College, Graduate Student and High School Awards

Deadline: November 15, 2021

The James Alan Cox Foundation has five (5) undergraduate photojournalism awards, payable to the student’s university, in the amount of $2,500 each:

·         4 for video

·         1 for still photography

We also have one (1) photojournalism award for a graduate student, payable to the graduate student’s university in the amount of $2,500 for video work.

In addition, one (1) or two (2) $1,500 Honorable Mention scholarships will be awarded to one (1) or two (2) college or graduate students. These awards will be for video or still work. (The number of awards given each year in this category will be at the discretion of the Board of Directors.)


GRAPHITE Journal is Opening Applications for New Members

Monday, October 11th, 2021

GRAPHITE Journal is opening applications for new members this upcoming school year (more…)

March 24th Virtual Town Hall: Reimagining the Justice System

Thursday, March 11th, 2021

Hello friends, I hope to see you March 24th (2pm) for a much needed discussion surrounding prison reform and our broken justice system. You’ll be meeting four of our Nation’s leading thought leaders, founders and activists that are tackling issues surrounding the prison industrial complex. We will have a candid conversation about how we can rebuild a system based on rehabilitation, community healing and human dignity. We’ll analyze historic systems of oppression, how we got to this point and how we can end the Profit over People mentality and practices that are destroying families. You’ll walk away inspired and with a CLEAR call to action of how you can personally fight against this egregious attack on human rights and basic liberties. The event is free and we need your support. If this is an issue you care about, are affected by or have been curious about, you won’t want to miss this panel.Please register and share with your networks. More Information: Registration Link:

The Witch Institute: CALL FOR PROPOSALS

Wednesday, January 6th, 2021

August 16-22, 2021; Virtual Event
Queens University*
Katarokwi/Kingston, Canada
*Queens University is situated on Anishinaabe and Haudenosaunee territories

What is the Witch Institute?

In the last few years, the witch has re-emerged as a powerful political symbol. Across cinemas and television, in books and podcasts, and via hashtag activism, the proliferation of the witch in media signals a critique of the existing world order and its reliance on the subjugation of marginalized peoples. In order to better understand the meaning and impact of current media representations of the witch, we will hold an expanded conversation between activists, artists, filmmakers, curators, historians, scholars, witches, feminists, healers, and more.

Connecting Art & Law for Liberation

Wednesday, December 9th, 2020

Please save the date of April 16-17, 2021 for UCLA’s virtual Connecting Art & Law for Liberation (CALL) Festival, a collaboration between the UCLA Prison Education Program, UCLA School of Law’s Criminal Justice Program and the Prison Law & Policy Program. The CALL Festival will connect artists, activists, attorneys, advocates, and scholars for a Virtual Conference featuring innovative collaborations at the intersection of art and the law! We will build community, re-energize and play, while developing visionary strategies to end mass incarceration–with participants from college campuses, community, and carceral spaces.


MakeLA is recruiting!

Friday, October 16th, 2020

MakeLA is a new organization at UCLA that aims to connect students from the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) with the tools of the MakerSpace at UCLA. 3D printers, laser cutters, and other machines are for everyone, not just for students interested in engineering — the skills learned by working with these tools can foster creative problem solving skills and can demonstrate that with DIY projects, the sky is the limit. Since winter quarter (2021) will be MakeLA’s pilot quarter, I’m looking for people who want to help start the organization (no experience with the MakerSpace is necessary)!


Applications Open for GRAPHITE Journal

Friday, October 16th, 2020

GRAPHITE Journal is opening applications for new members this upcoming school year!

Graphite is a student-run organization that produces an interdisciplinary arts journal and blog with the support and mentorship of the academic programs staff. The organization is about to enter its twelfth year! Graphite is a unique initiative because it offers students a hands-on ways to learn about curatorial work, arts journalism, and publishing.

For more information about our publication, please attend our upcoming info session tomorrow, Wednesday October 14th at 6pm via zoom. If you are unable to attend, do not hesitate to reach out to us through or through our Instagram @graphitejournal . We look forward to meeting you! find the link for the zoom at our website.

Call for Entries: Glassworks Magazine – Through December 15, 2020

Wednesday, October 7th, 2020


As the Fiction Editor of Glassworks, the literary magazine of Rowan University’s Master of Arts in Writing graduate program, I write to invite your students and colleagues to submit work to be considered for publication. Glassworks publishes print-ready artwork, nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and hybrid pieces, both digitally and in print. Previously accepted images can be viewed in our online art and photography galleries. We are currently reading until December 15, 2020 for our 2021 print issues. (more…)

Sheesh Magazine internship opportunity

Sunday, September 27th, 2020

I’m reaching out on behalf of Sheesh Magazine to let you know of a valuable internship opportunity that Art & Architecture majors may be interested in. Sheesh Magazine is an independent digital publication, focusing on young and influential figures in art, fashion, music, and culture. We are founded and operated by two UCLA students, and eager to expand our team of writers.
