March 24th Virtual Town Hall: Reimagining the Justice System

Hello friends, I hope to see you March 24th (2pm) for a much needed discussion surrounding prison reform and our broken justice system. You’ll be meeting four of our Nation’s leading thought leaders, founders and activists that are tackling issues surrounding the prison industrial complex. We will have a candid conversation about how we can rebuild a system based on rehabilitation, community healing and human dignity. We’ll analyze historic systems of oppression, how we got to this point and how we can end the Profit over People mentality and practices that are destroying families. You’ll walk away inspired and with a CLEAR call to action of how you can personally fight against this egregious attack on human rights and basic liberties. The event is free and we need your support. If this is an issue you care about, are affected by or have been curious about, you won’t want to miss this panel.Please register and share with your networks. More Information: Registration Link:

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