Archive for the ‘Exhibition Opportunities’ Category

Right to Vote: showcasing art that amplifies underrepresented voices

Wednesday, February 12th, 2020

Art Gallery—Right to Vote: showcasing art that amplifies underrepresented voices


Have completed art related to democracy, voting rights, or issues pertaining to underrepresented communities (more…)

Exhibition opportunity – CO Gallery

Tuesday, January 14th, 2020

CO Gallery is an inter-office arts initiative to curate quarterly exhibitions in our architecture office space. The exhibition space consists mainly of the wall along a long, frequently-trafficked corridor, as well as additional wall space in an adjoining conference room.  We are specifically seeking flat or wall-relief works, but of course are open to ideas. We typically change shows out every 3-4 months, and host an opening and artist talk at each exhibition’s start. (more…)

Want to Showcase your work of Art? 

Wednesday, December 18th, 2019

Hello, my name is Angel Hernandez and I am currently a senior majoring in Philosophy. I am currently in  pre-production for a short film I plan on shooting in the middle of January 2020(possible dates 16-21). I am  renting out a beautiful mansion in the Hollywood Hills for a scene and would love to add an artistic  aesthetic to the location and wanted to ask any art/design students who may be interested in showcasing  their artwork   (more…)

Millard Sheets Art Center (MSAC) inaugural Print Pomona Art Book Fair – submission deadline Dec. 20

Tuesday, December 17th, 2019

Millard Sheets Art Center (MSAC) inaugural Print Pomona Art Book Fair.

The event will be held at Millard Sheets Art Center on the Fairplex campus in Pomona, from March 13th – 15th, with an opening reception for vendors and guests on Friday, March 13th.

We are still accepting applications at this time by invitation, and ask that submissions be sent to by Friday, December 20th at 3pm. I do hope that you can join us for this exciting event, where vendors/businesses/artists can expand their exposure and reach to the eastern LA county communities.


Call for Artists – Exhibition Opportunity: New Bodies, New Spaces

Tuesday, November 19th, 2019

New Bodies, New Spaces

Central Questions: How does the body relate to its surroundings, and how do these surroundings shape our perspective of our own bodies/histories? Additionally, how can we visualize and recreate memories and experiences that aren’t usually captured in photographs?    (more…)

Exhibition open call – 400 Years Later

Monday, September 30th, 2019

“400 Years Later Art Exhibition”,  Saturday October 26, 2019. Call for entries deadline is September 30, 2019 at 11:59pm. (more…)

Juried exhibition – Greater Los Angeles Master of Fine Arts (GLAMFA) Exhibition

Thursday, September 19th, 2019

The graduate students at CSU Long Beach have hosted the Greater Los Angeles Master of Fine Arts (GLAMFA) Exhibition since 2005. In the past, it has functioned as a juried survey of Southern California MFA students. At this point, there are several similar annual exhibitions. Last year, we felt inspired to move beyond a juried “Best of Show” presentation, and instead created a conversation amongst Southern California MFA students and our practices. This year we are happy to continue GLAMFA 2020 in this direction in hopes to foster a community of artists interested in collaboration.


Art Exhibitions: An Artist’s Toolkit

Wednesday, July 17th, 2019

I am a member of Empowerment Congress Arts and Culture Committee (Los Angeles County Second Supervisorial District). We create opportunities for artists to gain exposure and achieve economic sustainability.

We are hosting Art Exhibitions: An Artist’s Toolkit on July 20th from 10AM to 12PM | Mark Ridley-Thomas Constituent Service Center (across from the Natural History Museum). This free event aims to advance artists’ efforts in getting their showcased in exhibition programs. Curators from CAAM, LA Metro and Skirball will discuss their submission guidelines and perspective on discovering and promoting exhibitions. (more…)

Short Film, Music, and Writing Contest: Cultural Affairs Commission

Tuesday, May 21st, 2019

I am reaching out to you as the director of the Art Series under the Cultural Affairs Commission (CAC) in hopes of having a flyer for an upcoming creative opportunity marketed by the Department of Art via email, if possible. The event is the first-ever CAC short film, writing, and music contest, designed to promote creativity among students. I have attached said flyer and also a link to the submission form (which can also be found in the @culturalaffairs Instagram bio) to this email.

SculptureCenter In Practice Artist Proposals

Tuesday, April 30th, 2019

SculptureCenter’s In Practice program supports emerging artists and curators in creating new work for exhibition at SculptureCenter. Since 2003, In Practice has supported nearly 200 emerging artists with the critical resources of space, funding, time, and administrative support to help turn their ideas into reality.

2020 In Practice Artist Proposals
Application Deadline: Saturday, June 15, 2019
All applications must be submitted using our online submission system.

Apply Now (more…)