Archive for the ‘Residencies’ Category

Residency: Kirk Newman Art School: Kalamazoo Inst. of Arts

Saturday, March 27th, 2021

The Kirk Newman Art School at the Kalamazoo Institute of Arts is offering a nine-month Post Baccalaureate Residencies for 2021-2022. Residencies are available in jewelry/metals, ceramics, sculpture, photography/digital media, painting, sculpture and printmaking.

Please inform your senior B.F.A. students about this unique opportunity. Detailed information and an application for the Post Baccalaureate Residency Program can be found on our website under the Art School tab.

If you would like additional information please contact Courtney Nelson


Core Residency Program 2021-22 Application Cycle Now Open

Monday, February 1st, 2021


The Core Artist and Critical Studies Residency Program – application due April 1

Friday, January 29th, 2021
The Core Program awards residencies to exceptional, highly motivated visual artists and critical writers who have completed their undergraduate or graduate training and are working to develop a sustainable practice. Residents engage with a wide range of leading artists, critics, curators, and art historians who are invited to meet individually with the residents, lead seminars, and deliver public lectures.Fellows are expected to be active in their own creative and/or critical practice. Core fellows come together for a yearlong seminar, the content of which is driven by contemporary concerns, the interests and work of the fellows, and the Core lecture series and visitors.

The residency term is nine months, from September to May, and fellows may apply for a second term. Because the program is intended to foster intensive participation in an active peer group, including biweekly seminar meetings, Core fellows must reside in Houston for the duration of the Core term. Tuesday mornings are reserved for group discussions, and public lectures take place on Thursday evenings. Each spring the program mounts an exhibition of work produced during the current residency term. Critical studies residents may apply for support for a curatorial project in their second year. Residents receive a $20,000 stipend, 24-hour access to a private studio or office, and borrowing privileges at the MFAH Hirsch Library and Rice University Fondren Library. Limited administrative and financial support is available for successful international applicants seeking J-1 visas through the program’s partner organization, International Arts & Artists. No support is provided for other visas.


Goetemann Artist Residency Environmental/Installation Artist – Taking Applications Now!

Wednesday, January 6th, 2021

We are currently accepting applications for the September 2021, Goetemann Environmental/Installation Residency program. If you or other artists in your circle are looking for a residency retreat by the sea this summer, please consider applying. Come join us on Rocky Neck in Gloucester, Massachusetts! Deadline to apply is May 15, 2021. 

An overview of our community-based organization can be found in the attached announcement (pdf) and in the hot-link above. I look forward to hearing from you. If you have any questions please contact me at

For more information visit: Poster

Residency Opportunity at the ACA

Friday, December 4th, 2020

Suzanne Bocanegra is currently looking for students to take part in a residency at the Atlantic Center for the Arts.

Atlantic Center for the Arts is an innovative nonprofit artists-in-residence program that provides artists with an opportunity to work and collaborate with some of the world’s masters in the visual, literary, and performing arts. Since the program began in 1982, over 3500 artists have been served from the US and around the world.

Suzanne Bocanegra is looking for curious students in students who are interested in poking around in disciplines other than photography — but also photography. Current undergrads and alumni are welcome to apply.

The deadline for the residency program has been extended to December 8th. For more information about the residency program, please visit the ACA website. For more information about Suzanne Bocanegra, please visit her website.

2021 Residency Opportunities at Franconia Sculpture Park

Monday, November 16th, 2020

The application deadline has been extended to November 29th. 

Applications can be found at  

This is the first year we are able to offer a stipend of $750 to Emerging Artist Residents while Fellows receive a $5000 stipend! This is an excellent opportunity for your BA and MFA-level students who will receive professional development by way of skills-building, curator studio visits, workshops, and more.

PDF Artist Residencies

Accepting Proposals for our Winter Residencies!

Friday, November 6th, 2020

We are pleased to announce Visitor Welcome Center’s Winter residency — a room with a view and a couch. Since March, our main gallery space has been unoccupied and we wish to invite artists to make use of the space. From November 30, 2020 to January 24, 2021, we will offer four (4) two-week residencies to applicants looking for a safe, sunny, and quiet studio to work, create, and play.


Franconia Sculpture Park’s 2021 Fellowship + Emerging Artist Residency

Tuesday, September 8th, 2020

Applications can be found at  


Applications accepted through November 15, 2020



Located 45 miles from Minneapolis/St. Paul in the scenic St. Croix River Valley, the traditional lands of the Wahpekute people, Franconia Sculpture Park (FSP) operates a 43-acre outdoor museum, an artist-in-residence work-exchange program, robust public programming, and expansive educational initiatives. (more…)

Residency: Silence Awareness Existence, Finland

Monday, August 31st, 2020

Silence Awareness Existence
Retreat residency program for artists & creative minds
Arteles Creative Center in Hämeenkyrö, Finland
1 month periods in January – March 2021

Deadline for applications: 8th of October 2020

Read more & apply online:

Enter Text – Residency Program

Monday, July 20th, 2020

Enter Text
Residency program for writers, researchers & text-based artists
Arteles Creative Center in Hämeenkyrö, Finland
1 month period in December 2020

Deadline for applications: 13th of August 2020

Read more & apply online: