Archive for the ‘Call for Papers’ Category

Call for papers – UCLA Department of Information Studies Kenneth Karmiole Symposium in Archival Studies

Monday, October 30th, 2017

[dis]memory, [mis]representation & [re]figuring the archival lens: A Symposium on Visual and Visualizing Archives

January 26, 2018

at UCLA’s Department of Information Studies


LUMINA is seeking visual arts submissions for Issue XVII: Resistance.

Monday, October 2nd, 2017

LUMINA is seeking visual arts submissions from established and emerging artists for Issue XVII: Resistance.

Within the pages of LUMINA, the experimental and traditional are celebrated together, transforming into something innovative and exciting. Our goal is to be thought-provoking, relevant, and powerful by engaging writers and artists across disciplines, identities, geography, and form.


Call for Entries: Rowan University’s Glassworks

Friday, September 22nd, 2017

As the ​Fiction Editor of Glassworks, the literary magazine of Rowan University’s Master of Arts in Writing graduate program, I write to invite your students and colleagues to submit work to be considered for publication. Glassworks publishes nonfiction, fiction, poetry, hybrid pieces, craft essays, new media, and art both digitally and in print. We are currently reading until December 15, 2017 for our spring and fall 2018 print issues.

We also publish flash fiction, prose poetry, and micro essays monthly in our online edition Flash Glass. Submissions for Flash Glass are accepted on a year-round, rolling basis.

More information about our magazine, sample issues, and our submission manager can be found at

I have attached a flier for you to share if you feel any of your students or colleagues would be interested in publishing in our magazine.

All best,
Elizabeth DiPietro
Fiction Editor

Glassworks Magazine

5th Contemporary Cultural Studies Conference (CCS 2017)

Tuesday, June 20th, 2017

We invite you/your research students to submit a paper to 5th Annual International Conference on Contemporary Cultural Studies (CCS 2017) which will be held on 27th – 28th November 2017 in Singapore.

The full paper submission deadline (extended) is on 14th July 2017. Hope that provides adequate time for you to complete the paper submission. If you need more time, please email us at: We hope you can be part of CCS 2017. (more…)

Call for Papers: 13th International Conference on the Arts in Society

Monday, May 22nd, 2017

We are pleased to announce the Call for Papers for the Thirteenth International Conference on the Arts in Society, held 27–29 June 2018 at Emily Carr University of Art + Design in Vancouver, Canada.

Founded in 2000, the conference offers an interdisciplinary forum for discussion of the role of the arts in society. It is a place for critical engagement, examination and experimentation, developing ideas that connect the arts to their contexts in the world—on stage, in studios and theaters, in classrooms, in museums and galleries, on the streets, and in communities.

We invite proposals for paper presentations, workshops/interactive sessions, posters/exhibits, colloquia, virtual posters, or virtual lightning talks. The conference features research addressing the annual themes. (more…)

InVisible Culture, Issue 28 CFP

Friday, April 28th, 2017

For its twenty-eighth issue, InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture invites scholarly articles and creative works that address the complex and multiple meanings of contending with crisis.

Defined by the global uncertainty of a world afflicted by varied and ambiguously interrelated states of emergency, the present can be seen as a critical historical conjuncture characterized by crisis. In the context of its worldwide occurrence, crisis refers irreducibly to a multitude of circumstances, events, and thematizations: military conflict, debt crises, issues of political representation, the mass migration and displacement of refugees, increasing ecological disruptions. Such ruptures in the social demand constant attention from individuals and communities, constituting a need for committed artistic and scholarly engagements with questions of what it means to be in crisis and how to deal with it.

Deadline: June 30, 2017

More information at: