Project Title: Visualizing Outer Spaces: The Deep Seas, Poles, and the Atmosphere (Glbl St 99) (Summer 2022)
Project Description: This project explores the environmental impact of the Cold War and its representation by visual artists and writers, particularly from the Caribbean and Pacific Islands. Special attention will focus on the militarization of the deep seas, the poles, and outer space and their popularization in visual media ranging from the Apollo space photographs to Jacques-Yves Cousteau’s ocean conservation programs and underwater sea labs. Research will focus on arts and militarism in Antarctica, the history of the US Navy and Cold War advertisement design, current threats of deep-sea mining in the Pacific, and submarine, polar, and outerspace imaginaries (including Caribbean Afrofuturism).
Research Assistant Responsibilities: To consolidate materials that have been collected, analyze and summarize the major content of the research materials by creating word documents by topic, retrieve library materials, make pdfs, transcribe films, transcribe notes, and/or write and edit annotated bibliographies. Some assignments may include Prezi and website design.
Research Assistant Qualifications: Prior research experience is desirable, but not necessary. Advanced undergraduates (junior or senior) with professional or graduate school goals preferred. Familiarity with MS Word and library databases. French and Russian language skills a plus.
Please send me a letter of inquiry outlining your interest in this research project. An informational Zoom meeting will be held on Monday, June 6th.
Start/End Dates: open
Unpaid. Unit credit will be offered via the Student Research Program (SRP) Glbl St 99 as a contract course via MyUCLA. For details on eligibility and enrollment procedures, please refer to
Contact Information: Prof Elizabeth DeLoughrey: