WEBTOON Comics Contest Open Submissions: Call to Action

WEBTOON, the world’s largest comics publisher, is hosting the Call to Action Contest – and submissions just opened! We’d be thrilled for UCLA Students and Alumni to take part!

To support students and alumni entering the contest, WEBTOON teams have developed this educational resource, which covers technical paneling and other skills used in WEBTOON vertical scroll comics fight scenes and Action genres.

WEBTOON Fight Scenes – Panel Types (linked here)

Feel free to keep this resource on hand, or pass it on to classes, fellow faculty, students, or alumni! 

WEBTOON Call to Action Contest 

Animated Promotion linked here.

Submit a fight scene for the chance to win prizes and become a WEBTOON Originals Creator! Submissions should include 1 episode, featuring 60+ panels and 2+ characters. 

Prizes: Starting with a Grand Prize of $50,000, a WEBTOON Originals publishing offer + an animated short of their fight scene! 

Many more prizes are available.

Submissions: open June 01 – July 31

More Prizes, FAQ & Rules: https://bit.ly/3Ll2x2S

Students and alumni of every background, grade or major are invited to take part. 

Entrants maintain their rights when posting to WEBTOON CANVAS.

The winner of our previous Short Story Contest was from an animation background! Check out his WEBTOON Originals Series – Space Boy!


WEBTOON is the world’s largest comics publisher, with over 82+ million monthly active readers across 65 different countries.

Anyone can tell their story with WEBTOON through WEBTOON CANVAS, our self-publishing platform, where Creators can monetize their series and comics. We source WEBTOON Originals Series – officially published and contracted titles – from CANVAS. WEBTOON Originals Creators can access additional opportunities for their series through Wattpad WEBTOON Studios and WEBTOON Unscrolled. Through Wattpad WEBTOON Studios, we form partnerships with industry leaders to develop WEBTOON comics into Animations, Tv/Streamed Series, Films and Games. WEBTOON Unscrolled is our Graphic Novel imprint, launching Fall 2022. 

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