UCLA Student Advocacy & Leadership Opportunities

Applications are being accepted for the following:

Office of the External Vice President’s Winter Fellowship

UC Student Association 2022 Students of Color Conference

and UC Student Association 2022 Black Lobby Day

Office of the External Vice President’s Winter Fellowship

After an amazing Fall Fellowship, the Office of the External Vice President is very excited to be offering our 2022 Winter Fellowship! During the Winter Quarter, Fellows will be given the opportunity to learn about advocacy and student government at UCLA. This Fellowship is a great way to be introduced to student government or a great way to learn more about the EVP office. 

Deadline: January 9th at 11:59PM.

Apply here: tinyurl.com/EVPWinterFellowship22

UC Student Association 2022 Students of Color Conference

The Students of Color Conference (SOCC) is the University of California Student Association’s oldest and largest conference, providing a safe space for students of color to strategize around statewide and campus-based actions. The 2022 Students of Color Conference theme is The Future is Ours: Leadership in The Age of Crisis. This theme aims to amplify the idea that the many concurrent crises facing the world may be best solved by amplifying and supporting voices from the margins.

*SOCC has been moved to a virtual format in light of recent COVID-19 restrictions. 

Deadline: January 15

Apply here: tinyurl.com/SOCC-2022

UC Student Association 2022 Black Lobby Day

Calling all Black students interested in advocating for issues surrounding the Black community’s well-being, directly to state legislators and staff members! The University of California Student Association, in collaboration with Black Student Unions across the UC, is hosting their 4th annual Black Lobby Day at the State Capital in 2022. This exciting event serves as a space for Black Students to organize within their own community and engage in politics that work in their best interest.

Deadline: ASAP, Rolling

Apply here: https://tinyurl.com/BlackLobbyDayInterest

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