CSC Service Impact Summit

CSC presents Service Impact Summit 2024, an opportunity to share your community service, advocacy and social impact learnings and achievements from this academic year! 

We know that you’ve done tremendous work in your various fields, and we want to help spotlight them in hopes of sparking inspiration and encouraging collaboration. CSC Service Impact Summit will take place on Friday of Week 8, May 24th, from 11am-4pm at the Luskin Conference Center

We have two opportunities you can apply for:


Service Impact Workshops are 30-35 minute educational sessions for you to share your takeaways, skills, or perspectives around this year’s theme: Service Mindset. Service Mindset is about your approach to service, and how someone should frame their mind when engaging in social transformation efforts. What are some strategies to translate a service mindset into actions that truly advance equity and liberation? How can someone apply a service-oriented mindset to other aspects of our life? How can we reconcile the tensions between engaging in service for altruistic motivations versus for personal gain? How can we continuously broaden our understanding of various social justice issues? If you are interested in hosting a workshop, apply here!


Service Impact Showcase is an opportunity for service organizations OR individuals to present their social justice, advocacy, service, and community-centered research achievements to an audience of engaged students, professors, and community partners in a poster presentation format. CSC will provide free printing for all posters. Distinctions will be awarded at the showcase and your research or project has the opportunity to win a prize of $200! You are encouraged to apply here

In addition, all presenters will be given free catered food, free merch, additional raffle entries and an abundance of networking opportunities with other social justice groups on campus. 

Applications to present at Service Impact Summit are due April 26th at 11:59pm. We look forward to seeing you there! Find us on Instagram @uclacsc or updates and please reach out to with any questions. 

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