Matchbox Magazine: Publication Opportunity

Submit to Matchbox Magazine, a UC-wide literary and arts magazine! Our mission is to platform underrepresented student voices across the UC system, with a focus on platforming artists with a diversity of intersectional identities, experiences, and radical visions for expression. We publish visual art, prose, poetry, music, and spoken word in our annual publication and we are now accepting submissions on a rolling basis until February 14, 2024!

Questions? Contact us on Instagram, or at our email:

  1. Please upload your submissions to
  2. Do not include your name or any identifying information on written works
    a. If using email: Include your name and UC school in the body of the
    email, but not on your work.
  3. We will accept a maximum of five pieces.
    a. Written pieces should be under 1500 words and submitted as a .pdf
    b. Art and photography should be sent as .jpeg files (quality of 300 DPI)
    of at least 1200×1200 pixels in size
    c. Audio should be sent as .mp3 files
  4. We accept works in languages other than English (we welcome separate
    translations to English as a supplement to the work)

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