UCLA 1000 Pitches

Interested in Entrepreneurship, Technology, or Innovation?? It’s time to release your inner-entrepreneur and join the 1000 Pitches movement!  Applications are now open so let the pitch competition begin! www.ucla1000pitches.com

1000 Pitches by Bruin Entrepreneurs is an annual event designed to boost entrepreneurial thinking on campus. During the four-week-long campaign, UCLA students will have the ability to pitch their crazy startup ideas via video, PowerPoint, or any other online format. The top pitches will have the opportunity to present their ideas in front of a panel of VC judges and compete for prizes. This is YOUR golden opportunity to think out of the box and shoot for the stars. Submit your idea today!

In addition, this year we are placing an emphasis on funny/wild ideas.  There will be a special prize for the pitch that is the craziest/wildest/funniest etc.  So, even if you don’t have a million-dollar idea, give it a shot and try to make us laugh. You might be rewarded!

Website: www.ucla1000pitches.com

For any inquiries, reach out to our directors:

  1. Riley Noon: rileynoon2@ucla.edu
  2. Isha Kamath: ishakamath@ucla.edu

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